Ablauf spiritueller Rückführungen nach Ursula Demarmels
Spirituelle Rückführungen nach Ursula Demarmels

Spiritual Regressions into Past Lives and the Between Life

Ursula Demarmels, Salzburg

Light Tunnel Blossom (c) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Hacker


Studies, Education, Training, Certificates, Memberships, Teaching, Books and Spiritual Regression TV Documentaries


Over forty years of Spiritual Regression Practice. Multiple training courses and continuous Supervision in Trance, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and U.S.A. since 1981. Additionally, Advanced Hypnosis trainings for Past Life and Between-Lives Spiritual Regression. Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt.) of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) with Gold Star Seal of Approval of the Hypnosis Quality Assurance (COPHO - Council of Professional Hypnosis Organizations), U.S.A. (since 2014). Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt.) of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), New Hampshire, U.S.A. (active member from 2014-2020). Workshop Hypnotherapeutic Approaches in Psycho-Oncology - Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis in Cancer (Austrian Association for Psycho-Oncology). Professionally Certified Life-Between-Lives (LBL™) Spiritual Regression Therapist (The Society for Spiritual Regression - SSR, U.S.A.), trained by Dr. Michael Newton, Dr. Linda Backman, Nancy Canning, CHt., MCP, Dr. Arthur Roffey, and the Society for Spiritual Regression, Studio City, Hollywood, Los Angeles, U.S.A. First SSR graduate from the Europe, 2004. Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist and active member of The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives™ Hypnotherapy, U.S.A. from 2005-2015; I have chosen not to renew membership in 11/2015. Between-Lives Soul Regression Therapist (BLSR Therapist) of the International Between Lives Regression Network (IBLRN), U.S.A. Honorary President of the European Society of Spiritual Regression®, Switzerland.

Study, German Sports University Cologne (4 years): Creative Artistic Dance, Choreography, Movement Techniques (Maja Lex, Graciella Padilla); Dance and Physical Theater, Improvisation; Music (Prof. Herbert Langhans); Movement Sensitization, Space Perception, Motivation Training, Coaching, Relaxation Techniques, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Rhythm & Dance, and many other subjects.

Diploma Study, Swiss Professional Association for Dance and Gymnastics (Association Professionelle Suisse de la Danse et du Mouvement), SBGT, Basel, Switzerland (3 years): Certified Gymnastics Teacher. Relaxation & Trance Techniques, Physiology, Anatomy, Organization of Movement, Breathing Techniques, Music-Assisted Gymnastics, Co-ordination, Stretching, Coaching, Wellness Massage, Feldenkrais Techniques, etc.

Swiss Federal Sports College Magglingen (Eidgenössische Hochschule für Sport Magglingen) Switzerland: Leader Qualification and Expert for Gymnastics and Dance -- Authorization for Instructing / Qualifying Sports Teachers. And various other competences.

Further studies, courses and qualifications: Hypnotherapy and Trance Techniques, Supervision (Munich, Los Angeles and other locations); Past Life Regression Therapy, Rebirthing, Extraordinary Psychology (e.g. also with Thorwald Dethlefsen, Kerstin & Dr. Ruediger Dahlke; Munich and other locations). Brain Optimization Training, Visualization, Body & Soul Harmony (Joergen Moerck & ZEN Master May Li Lao Shin); Rhythmics (Conservatoire of Basel, 3 years); Autogenous Training (Cologne); Foot Reflexology (Institute Eberling); Tai Chi; Systemic Family Therapy (also with Bert Hellinger); Fitness (Academic Sports Office Cologne); Contact Improvisation; Chinese Acupuncture Massage (APM, after W. Penzel); Affirmation Techniques (Los Angeles, CA); Script Writing.


University of Salzburg - Interdisciplinary Division of Sports and Movement Sciences - University-Sports-Institute: Teaching / Courses / Workshops on Relaxation Techniques, Stress Management, Brain Optimization Training, Trance Techniques, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis & Hypnomeditation (own system) and other Meditation Techniques, Light and Energy Work, Fantasy & Imaginative Journeying, Body & Soul Harmony, Motivation Training, Autogenous Training, Breath Training, Dance Theatre, Creative Artistic Dance, Conditioning, and Stretching. 1986-2015.

University Mozarteum Salzburg: Academic Teacher & Scientific Member in Research, Arts & Education. Gymnastics, Motivation Training, Relaxation Methods, Trance & Self Hypnosis, Stretching, Posture and Spinal Training; Body, Partner and Space Perception; Rhythmic Dance Movement Training, Breathing Techniques, Walking and Acting Repertoire, Theatre Dance. 1993-2006.

Institute of Pedagogic Education, Salzburg: Relaxation and Recreation Techniques, Mind Motivation, Self Hypnosis, "Tanztheater" / Physical Theater, Choreographic Organization. 1995-2007.

University of Salzburg, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Applied Stress Management, Relaxation, Trance and Meditation Techniques at the Brain Awareness Week 2001, the Science Week 2002, and at the Stress Management Conference of Goldegg, Austria, 2002. Salzburg Federal Hospital: Teaching Head Nurses (for Specialty and Intensive Care Nurses): Motivation Training and Stress Management, Body & Soul Harmony. Salzburg University Clinics Educational Center: Workshops on Spiritual Regression. Nurses' School of the Hospital of Kufstein, Tyrol: General Relaxation Techniques.

Workshops, individual and group spiritual regression sessions, lectures: Own methods for Spiritual Past Life and Between Lives Regressions, based on decades of own practice, Karma Coaching, a method developed by Ursula Demarmels with the target to discover ways out of our destiny trap, offering practical guidelines for everyday life, and books by Dr. Joel Whitton and Joe Fisher (Life Between Life, 1988) and Dr. Michael Newton (Journey of Souls, 1994; Destiny of Souls, 2000).

Teaching activities in Austria, Germany, U.S.A., the People's Republic of China and many other locations. Spirituality, Light Work and Channeling Classes in Salzburg and other places. Numerous Sessions on the stimulation of self healing using advanced trance and regression methods. 

Numerous Sports, Stress Management, Relaxation, Motivation Training, Meditation and Trance Workshops in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, also including: Children's, youth and adult instruction in Gymnastics, Dance and Acrobatics (Basel, Zurich, Zug, Lucerne and other locations in Switzerland) / Summer Academy of the Carl Orff Institute of the University Mozarteum Salzburg (Dance Improvisation, Dance Theatre, International Folk Dances) / Teaching Sports, Gymnastics, Dance and Fitness Teachers with the S.V.K.T. (Switzerland) / Various Workshops for Photographers on Body Language, Tension, Attitude and Expression / Sensibilization and Movement Techniques with Hearing Disabled Persons in Basel / Teaching Activities in Fitness, Aerobics, Conditioning, Stretching and Dance at the Academic Office of Sports of the University of Cologne and at the Federal Professional School for Internal and Public Administration in Cologne (German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation, German Border Police / Federal Border Guard (BGS), Air Traffic Controllers). Head of the Dance Theater Group UDG (Cologne). Professional teaching classes at the Theater an der Wien, Vienna Musical College (Michael Pinkerton, Peter Weck), Vienna, Austria. Summer Academy & University Mozarteum Salzburg: Dance Improvisation, Scenic Shaping, Movement Theater, Pas-de-deux Techniques.


Regression Expert of Numerous TV Documentary Film Productions on Regression and Historically Verified Reincarnation (All Programs in German or Swiss-German language). Already about 52 Mill. TV viewers and far more than 1 Mill. viewers in various sites of YouTube.

Mystica-TV, Munich: Regression-Expert and main protagonist in the cinema documentary film WIEDERGEBURT - DEINE SEELE IST UNSTERBLICH! (Reincarnation - Your Soul is Immortal!). In German language. Director: Thomas Schmelzer. World Premiere as opening performance at the Cosmic Cine Filmfestival, mathäser Film Palace, Munich, April 12th, 2018. COSMIC ANGEL AWARD 2018 (Winner of the Public's Choice Award; April 15t, 2018). English version in preparation.

VOX, Cologne: Talk with Heavy Metal Legend DORO PESCH on her spiritual regression sessions (RTL Television) guided by Ursula Demarmels, in PROMINENT! August 5th, 2018. Watched by 800.000 viewers.

TLC, Munich: DIE ÜBERSINNLICHEN (The Transcendentalists). TV documentary series, also featuring Past Life and Between Lives Spiritual Regression Hypnotherapy. Executive Producer: Mathias Hagn. madeinmunich Entertainment GmbH, Discovery Communications Germany GmbH & Co. KG. Season 1, episodes 2-4. Primary broadcast dates in German language: November 27th, and December 4th & 11th, 2015. In part also available at Ursula Demarmels' YouTube channel.

RTL, Cologne: TV documentary DAS JENKE EXPERIMENT (The Jenke Experiment), Season 2 #3, topic "Passing Away". Spiritual Regression of JENKE VON WILMSDORFF. Executive Producer: Lotte Lang. RTL Television, March 31st, April 1st, and April 27th, 2014. Primary Broadcast: 3,58 Mill. TV viewers (numbers for Germany only); together with additional reports in a number of popular magazines at RTL such as the lunchtime magazine Punkt 12 and the breakfast magazine Good Morning Germany, seen by more than 7,25 Mill. viewers (Germany, Switzerland, Austria). Multiple further broadcasts from 2015-2019 also at RTL-plus, n-tv and RTL Living von 2015-2019.

RTL II and Joker Productions, Cologne: TRANSGENDER - My Way Into the Right Body. Season 2 #11. Regression of Transwoman Mirka. Executive Producer: Annika Heisel. RTL II, 5/2014; seen by more than 600.000 TV viewers (Germany, Switzerland, Austria).

RTL & Eyeworks, Cologne: TV documentary series on regression emphasizing on historically evidenced reincarnation MEIN ERSTES LEBEN (My First Life - Have I Already Lived Before?) at RTL Television. More than 14 Mill. TV viewers watched the programs. Top-Presenter: Katja Burkard. Executive Producer: Ralf Classen. 2009 pilot program (8/2009; >4 Mill. viewers). 2010 series of further three-parts (8/2010; 10 Mill. viewers).

VOX, Cologne & 99pro media, Leipzig: Regression Expert in two programs of the series DANIELA KATZENBERGER - NATÜRLICH BLOND (NATURALLY BLONDE). 11/2012. Together with several additional short documentary programs (11/2012 & 11/2014), watched by >12 Mill. viewers.

RTL & Together Productions, Cologne: Past Life Regression of Rock Star and Heavy Metal Legend DORO PESCH in the special magazine MAGICS & MYSTICS: BEYOND REALITY?. Broadcast: Daily from April 8-12, 2013 in Germany's most successful lunchtime program PUNKT 12 at RTL Television. Watched by 7 Mill. viewers.

WER WARST DU? and WER WAR ICH?, produced by Eyeworks (Cologne, Germany). Evidenced Past Life / Reincarnation Documentary Series in 8 parts for ATV+ and in 6 parts for VOX (shown 2006-2009).

MACHT DER GEDANKEN: Reise in die Vergangenheit (The Power of Thoughts: Journey into the Past); TV documentary on the regression of a client from Ursula Demarmels' practice into the historically verifiable prior life as the holy Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia for SWR (2/2009; 7/2010), WDR (9/2009), ARD einsfestival (1/2011, 3x), ARD EinsExtra (1/2012, twice), and 3sat (10/2013).

Live Talkshow TALK-TAEGLICH at TeleZueri (12/2009), available at Ursula Demarmels' YouTube Channel RueckfuehrungTV.

Portrait on Ursula Demarmels at Salzburg-Plus Television in kult:tour (6/2011; broadcasted 60 times via conventional TV and also as video-stream from 6/2011 to 10/2011). Produced by presented by Joe Kubesch, available as video stream via Ursula Demarmels' YouTube channel.

Talkshow guest in TISCHGESPRÄCH, presented by Susan Stahnke. www.imageplus-werbeagentur.com & Eyescream Filmproduction GmbH Hamburg. Executive Producer: Thomas Gericke and Peter Pabst. Hamburg 1 Television and T-Entertain (1/2014); probably also to be shown on TV Berlin, Center TV Bremen, Center TV Köln (Cologne), FAN Television, T-Entertain and rheinmaintv during 2014. Also available at Ursula Demarmels' YouTube-Channel RueckfuehrungTV.

Various additional appearances in TV and Radio stations, including live shows in the magazines PUNKT 6 and PUNKT 9 at RTL Television on August 6th, 2010; Report in LIVING ROOM at Salzburg-TV (2006), and many others.

Appearances in radio programs, e.g. live guest in the one-hour radio show The Other Knowledge: Heart Thoughts for the New Time. Topic: "Spiritual regressions, death, life lessons, karma, Dr. Michael Newton." With Monika Linden-Link. Radiofabrik Salzburg (1/2015). Examples for other radio stations: Radio Antenne Salzburg, Radio 1 Zurich, Radio 105 (both: Switzerland). On the occasion of the Dialogue Congress "The Human Search for Truth" in the Holy Year 2000, two interviews for Radio Vatican in Rome, broadcasted world widely in 5/2000.

Reports on my work, books and TV documentaries in numerous renowned Journals & Newspapers, e.g. in TV-Media, BLICK, TV-digital, HÖRZU, BILD.de, tz München, Glückspost, Basler Zeitung, Berner Zeitung, Kronenzeitung, Wiener Zeitung, Die ganze Woche (series of three parts), MADONNA, GLAMOUR, Thurgauer Zeitung, Schweizer Tagesanzeiger, Bella Luna, Visionen, Engelmagazin, Funkuhr, tv14, TV Hören und Sehen, TV Movie.


University of Salzburg, Interdisciplinary Division of Sports and Movement Sciences / University Sports Institute (USI). 1986-2015, Scientific Associate for Research, teaching Workshops on "Health, Trance and Deep Relaxation: Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis, Imaginary Group Journeying - Exploration of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness, Coaching, Mental Motivation Training, Breathing Techniques, Chakra Work, Energetic ReBalancing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation".

Educational Center of the SALK (Salzburger Landeskliniken - Universitätsklinikum Salzburg): Experiential classes on Spiritual Regression into Past Lives and into the Interlife as a Soul - Positive Lifestyle, Health and Ethics in Everyday Life (6/2007 and 10/2007).

Workshops on Spiritual Regression and on Spiritual Fulfillment of Desires at the Seminar Center Seeham am Obertrumersee (2008-2022) and at the Gut Aiderbichl Academy, Henndorf am Wallersee, Salzburg Lake District (since 2022).

Spiritual Regression Certification Courses in the Seminar Center Seeham am Obertrumersee (2015-2022) and at the Gut Aiderbichl Academy, Henndorf am Wallersee, Salzburg Lake District (since 2022).

Invited Lectures and Round Table Discussions, e.g. Focus Lecture on Spiritual Regression into Past Lives: Overcoming Fear of Death, Personal Development, and Deeper Meaning of Life at a Holistic Medicine Congress on Life Trends, Salzburg, Austria, 2011; Book Presentation Lecture on Karma Coaching, Book Store Bücherinsel, Rosenheim, Germany, 9/2015; Congress Introductory Lecture Karma Coaching through Spiritual Regression, Via Mundi Congress Has our Life a Purpose? of the Society for Transcendence-Open Science and Christian Spirituality, Weltenburg Monastery, Germany, 5/2016.

Presentations on Hypnotherapy and on Spiritual Regression in China, invited by Dean Prof. Dr. Jiang Gu, Peking University (PKU), School of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing, e.g., delivered at the East Meets West in Medical Education (EMWME) Conference 2008. Scientific Exchange Certificate, Peking (10/2008) and Certificate of Scientific Exchange on Spiritual Integration Hypnotherapy, on Stress Management and on Motivation Training, University of Shantou, Medical Faculty, People's Republic of China (10-2008).

Certified Assistant Trainer on invitation at the Society for Spiritual Regression training course on Life-Between-Lives Spiritual Regression Therapy according to Dr. Michael Newton in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. (4/2005).

Pedagogic Institute of Salzburg: Seminars for Teachers on Relaxation Methods, Stress Management, Motivation Training, Mental Relaxation and Introduction to Self-Hypnosis.

Numerous standing invitations for general and university teaching, lectures, seminars and workshops world widely, e.g. Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, England, Lithuania, USA, PR China.

BOOKS, BOOK CHAPTERS & AUDIO CDs (see also Books & CDs):

Ursula DEMARMELS: Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing: Discover your Life Mission Through Past Life Exploration. Foreword by Michael Newton, PhD, author of Journey of Souls, Preface by Michael Aufhauser, founder of Gut Aiderbichl, the world's largest animal sanctuary. LLEWELLYN Publications, Woodbury, MN, U.S.A. In English language. Trade Paperback, first edition & first printing 8/2015; E-Book first edition 3/2016.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Wer war ich im Vorleben? Die positive Wirkung Spiritueller Rückführungen. Hardcover Book in German language, SuedWest; RandomHouse-Bertelsmann Publishers, Munich, Germany. 192 pages, 2007; 2nd edition in May 2009, 3rd edition in Sept. 2009. Foreword by Dr. Michael Newton; Preface by Michael Aufhauser. 

Paperback book, HEYNE-Verlag, Random House Publishing Group; 224 pages. First edition 10/2012, 2nd edition 12/2012, 3rd edition 2/2014, 4th edition 9/2015, 5th edition 1/2018, 6th edition 9/2022.

Already more than 45.000 copies sold. SüdWest #1 Esoteric Bestseller 2007/2008. Since 2009, multiple placements as #1 Book Bestseller in Reincarnation, Esoteric, Meditation & Spirituality, Religion & Belief, Buddhism, Teachings and Wisdom, and in Tarot & Prophecy Bestseller Ranking Lists of Amazon.de (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Peak-Placements of all books available at Amazon-Germany: # 52 (8/2010) and # 112 (11/2012). 

Also available as eBook (SüdWest, Random House Publishers, Munich, Germany; EPUB, Amazon Kindle & Apple Books); in German language.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Kim bylem w przeszlosici? Polish Edition; Publisher: Aba Oficyna Wydawnicza; Warszawa, Poland, 1/2008.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Ki voltam elözö életemben? Hungarian Edition; Publisher: Almandin Books, Budapest, Hungary, 6/2009.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Kas aš buvau ankstesniame gyvenime?. Lithuanian Language Edition; Publisher: Alma Littera, Vilnius, Lithuania, 5/2010.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Урсула Демармелс: Кой съм бил в предишния си живот? Положителни ефекти от духовната регресия. Bulgarian Language Edition; Publisher: Orgon, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10/2010.

Ursula DEMARMELS: ПРЕОБРАЖЕНИЕ ДУШИ - ЖИЗНЬ МЕЖДУ ЖИЗНЯМИ УРОКИ И ИСЦЕЛЕНИЕ. Russian language edition; Publisher: Budushee Zemli, LTD, Moscow, Russia. Trade Paperback, first edition and first printing 1/2017.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Mémoires cachées: Révélation de vies antérieures et l’effet positif des régressions spirituelles. Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing in French language. Vision Print Publishing. Translation: Maurice Baldensperger. Trade Paperback and E-Book, first edition 12/2024.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Karma Coaching: Wege aus der Schicksalsfalle. (Karma Coaching. How to Escape the Trap of Fate). Stitch-Paperback-Book, ALLEGRIA, Ullstein Buchverlage, Berlin. Also available as eBook (Allegria Publishers, Berlin, amazon.de & apple books; file types: EPUB, Amazon-Kindle, Apple Books); in German language. 1st edition, 4/2015; 2nd edition, 10/2015. Multiple # 1 placements in Bestseller Ranking Lists of Amazon.de (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), for Hypnosis, Hinduism, Healers & Spiritual Healing. Top-5 placements in Reincarnation, Buddhism, Death & Beyond and Transcendental. Audio Book: Multiple Top-5 placements in the Bestseller Ranking Lists for Reincarnation,  Relaxation Meditation and Meditation Introductions & -Techniques u.a. In German language.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Karma Coaching. Przerwanie kręgu przeznaczenia. Karma Coaching in Polish Language. Publisher: Studio Astropsychologii jeszcze lepsze jutro, Białystok, Poland, 2016.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Karmos ugdymas: Kaip išvengti likimo spąstų. Lithuanian language edition; Publisher: Andrena, Vilnius, Lithuania. Paperback, 2/2018.

Ursula DEMARMELS: КАРМА КОУЧИНГ - КАК ОСВОБОДИТЬСЯ ОТ ХИТРОСПЛЕТЕНИЙ. Russian language edition. Publisher: Buduschee Zemli, LTD,  Moskau, Russland, Trade Paperback, 12/2018.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Coaching Karmique. Vers une nouvelle destinée (provisional title). Karma Coaching in French language. Vision Print Publishing. Translation: Maurice Baldensperger. Trade Paperback and E-Book, to be published in 2025.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. HACKER and Ursula DEMARMELS: Die neue Dimension der Gesundheit: Ganzheitlicher Schutz vor belastenden Umwelteinflüssen. Ein Ratgeber aus wissenschaftlicher und spiritueller Sicht (The New Dimension of Health: Holistic Protection from Adverse Environmental Influences. A Guide Combining Scientific and Spiritual Perspectives). Forward by Prof. Hademar Bankhofer. Book in German language, SuedWest / RandomHouse/ Bertelsmann Publishers, Munich, Germany. 240 pages, 2008. Multiple Top-Placements in the Amazon Book-Bestseller list Health Encyclopedias and Healing Guides 2010 & 2011.

Also available as eBook (SüdWest, RandomHouse Bertelsmann Publishers, Munich, Germany); EPUB and Amazon-Kindle; in German language.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. HACKER and Ursula DEMARMELS: Az egészség új dimenziója. Hungarian Language Edition; Publisher: Almandin-Books, Budapest, Hungary.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Light in the Mirror (Licht im Spiegel). Meditation and Imaginative Journeying Audio CD in German language. 2003; new and enlarged editions 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2020.

Ursula DEMARMELS: The White Goose. Case study, Chapter 9, pp. 85-96 in: Dr. Michael Newton (Ed.) and Members of the Newton Institute, Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation (Llewellyn / USA, in English language). Also available as eBook, e.g., as Amazon Kindle Edition (9/2009), and as Audio Book (Tantor Media, Inc., ISBN-10: 1452607737; 5/2012; narrated by Sands Xe and Peter Berkrot).

Ursula DEMARMELS: Die weisse Gans. Chapter 9 in: Dr. Michael Newton (Ed.) and Members of the Newton Institute, Erinnerungen aus dem Zwischenreich: Leben zwischen den Leben. Erzaehlungen persoenlicher Transformation. German Edition; Astrodata / Switzerland; 95-104, 12/2009.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Bijela guska. In: Dr. Michael Newton (Ed.) and Members of the Newton Institute, Sjećanja na život poslije života. Život između života, Priče o osobnoj preobrazbi. Croatian Language Edition; Publisher: Skorpion, Zagreb, HR; 2010, 101-111, 2010.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Белый гусь. Chapter 9 in: Dr. Michael Newton (Hrsg.) and Members of the Newton Institute, Иллюстрации к книге Майкл Ньютон - Воспоминания о жизни после жизни. Жизнь между жизнями. История личностной трансформации. Russian Language Edition; Будущее Земли-Publisher, Moscow, Russia, 2010.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Den hvide gås. Chapter 9, Case Study in: Dr. Michael Newton (Ed.) and Members of the Newton Institute, Erindringer om sjælerejser - hvordan viden om tidligere liv kan forvandle det nuværende. Casestories fra The Newton Institute. Danish Language Edition; Publisher: Borgen, Valby, Denmark, 2011.

Ursula DEMARMELS: El ganso blanco. Chapter 9, Case Study in: Dr. Michael Newton (Ed.) and Members of the Newton Institute, Memorias del Alma. La Vida entre Vidas. Historias de Transformación Personal. Spanish Language Edition, Arkano Books, c/o Alfaomega S.L., Madrid, Spain, 2011.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Zurück zum Licht (Back to the Light). Invited Book Chapter for Die Kunst zu leben (The Art of Living), Robert Rosenstatter and Peter Daniell Porsche (Eds.), Polzer Culture Publishers, Salzburg, Austria; 138-145 (11/2010).

Ursula DEMARMELS: Foreword for Die Flockenleserin. Ein Hospiz, 12 Menschen, ein Mörder. A Crime Novel by Mike Powelz. Amazon Kindle Book, ASIN: B00BNN8VBS. Paperback version: ISBN-13: 978-1484041727, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2013). New edited Paperback by Amazon Publishing: ISBN-13: 978-1477826447; Kindle E-Book, ASIN: B00OU4SS8S; Audio Book (Foreword read by Ursula Demarmels), Thono Audio-Verlag, ASIN B00QH0FIJ0, 2014.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Foreword zu Terminal. A Crime Novel by Mike Powelz. Publisher: AmazonCrossing; Kindle E-Book, ASIN: B00TUOH59G. Paperback, 2015.

Ursula DEMARMELS: Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing. The renowned hypnotherapist shows how we can discover our life mission through past life exploration. On invitation, Watkins MIND BODY SPIRIT, the leading Mind Body Spirit Magazine. Watkins Books (London, England), Issue 46, 76-77, 2016.