Ablauf spiritueller Rückführungen nach Ursula Demarmels
Spirituelle Rückführungen nach Ursula Demarmels

Spiritual Regressions into Past Lives and the Between Life

Ursula Demarmels, Salzburg

Books & CDs by Ursula Demarmels

Book Cover "Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing" by Ursula Demarmels (c) Llewellyn Worldwide, Woodbury, MN, U.S.A.
Book Cover "Mémoires cachées: Révélation de vies antérieures et l’effet positif des régressions spirituelles" by Ursula Demarmels (c) Vision Publishing,

This page contains basic information on the books by Ursula Demarmels "Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing", "Karma Coaching", "Wer war ich im Vorleben?", and "Die neue Dimension der Gesundheit", her meditation audio CD "Licht im Spiegel" and her audio books. In addition, you will find examples of spiritually and/or ethically valuable books, CDs and DVDs suggested by Ursula Demarmels. 

For information about the German original versions of the books and CDs mentioned here, kindly refer to BÜCHER & CDs and use online translation services, e.g. DeepL.com, for relatively accurate translation.

Prizes mentioned on our website are subject to change; therefore, the numbers given may not reflect the real actual prize, and we don't take any responsibility for this. Kindly check well, before you order.

Book by Ursula Demarmels:

Spiritual Regression for Peace and Healing

Discover Your Life Mission Through Past Life Exploration 

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, MN, U.S.A.

Foreword: Dr. Michael NEWTON, U.S.A.

Preface: Michael AUFHAUSER, Gut Aiderbichl, Austria

#1- & Top-3-placements in amazon.de as bestseller for, e.g., Reincarnation (books in English language) (#1) and New Releases in New Age (books in English language). Multiple top placements in various international amazon book bestseller lists (U.S.A., U.K., Italy, France, Spain; e.g., Reincarnation, 

Unexplained Mysteries, New Age & Spirituality. E-Book also reached #1 in 

Reincarnation (English) in amazon Germany.

Cited from the Llewellyn PR text and others, updated: Renowned Swiss spiritual regression hypnotherapist Ursula Demarmels, CHt., lives in Austria, at the Salzburg Lake District. She studied in Basel (Switzerland) and Cologne (Germany) and is Scientific Associate for Research, teaching relaxation and hypnosis methods at the University of Salzburg (Austria). With over thirty years of spiritual regression practice, she has guided some 6,000 people into their past lives and their eternal life as a divine soul in the spirit world.

According to some of Europe's largest TV stations, Ursula Dermarmels can be regarded as Europe's most successful expert on spiritual regression hypnotherapy and historically verifiable reincarnation. Through her regression documentary programs, she already reached more than 47 million television viewers in the German-speaking countries. Her latest TV series is was produced for the German subsidiary of Discovery Channel; primary broadcast on TLC in November and December 2015 in German language; other language versions to be shown internationally using voice overlays are in preparation. With great devotion, Ursula Demarmels dedicates her life towards the application of spiritual insights for humanitarian concerns, with the goal of a harmonious coexistence of humans, animals, and nature.

The benefits of past-life regression are many: recognizing the divine plan for your life, losing the fear of death, and meeting your soul guides. In Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing, you will discover how to use regression to better understand and resolve fears, health issues, and karmic relationships and discover your special skills and talents in this life.

Join author Ursula Demarmels as she shares dozens of fascinating case studies from more than 6,000 past-life regression sessions that she has conducted in her professional practice. Intimate and inspiring, these stories include heartwarming tales of people being reunited with their loved ones, friends, and even animal companions in the spirit world.

Trade Paperback, 264 Pages, ISBN-10: 0738739944; First Print: August 2015

E-Book, Llewellyn Publications; ASIN: B01CALDMPQ, Amazon Digital Services LLC, Kindle-Edition, published on March 2016

Book by Ursula Demarmels in French Language:

Mémoires cachées:

Révélation de vies antérieures et l’effet positif des régressions spirituelles

Publisher: Vision Print Publishing

Avec une préface du Dr Michael Newton 

et un avant-propos de Michael Aufhauser

Traduit de l’Allemand par Maurice Baldensperger"

French Language version of "Wer war ich im Vorleben?"

Top-Placements in Amazon as bestseller, e.g. #2 at amazon.de in Kindle „French Language Religious Books“

La croyance en la réincarnation est aussi ancienne que l'humanité. Ce livre de la célèbre thérapeute en régression Ursula Demarmels brosse un portrait fascinant du voyage de l'âme immortelle et montre de manière impressionnante comment il est en fait possible de se souvenir de vies antérieures. Grâce à la méthode de régression spirituelle, l'être humain est confronté à l'essence même de son existence. L'accent est mis par l'auteur sur l'utilité thérapeutique. Elle considère son travail comme une offre responsable de donner plus de sens et de joie à la vie quotidienne personnelle.

Entre-temps, le livre « Mémoires Cachées » a été publié en huit langues, dont l'anglais et le russe, et il contient la seule préface jamais écrite par le Dr Michael Newton pour un livre externe. Ursula Demarmels décrit ce qu'elle entend par régression dans les vies antérieures, en quoi consiste son travail pratique et comment elle aide ses clients. Elle répond aux questions qui lui sont souvent posées, comme : Les régressions peuvent-elles être dangereuses ou avoir des répercussions négatives sur la vie actuelle ? Que se passe-t-il si des scènes horribles se déroulent dans les vies antérieures ? Les séances de régression réussissent-elles toujours? Comment reconnaître à l'avance un bon guide de régression ? Des exemples de cas authentiques tirés de la longue expérience de l'auteur témoignent de la dimension illimitée de la prise de conscience spirituelle, qui donne un aperçu de l'universalité de l'esprit.

Trade Paperback, 230 pages, ISBN 9798343561227; Amazon Kindle E-Book: ASIN B0DQJTJ6PD. First edition published Dezember 15th, 2024; world widely available via Amazon.

Book by Ursula Demarmels:

Karma Coaching

How to Escape the Trap of Fate

Shall be available soon in French Language

About the German Book: Multiple #1- & Top-5-placements in amazon.de as bestseller for, e.g., "Reincarnation", "Hinduism", "Buddhism", "Death & Beyond" and "Transcendental". Audio book: multiple Top-5 bestseller placements, e.g.for "Reincarnation", Relaxation Meditation" and "Meditation-Techniques"

Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is the deeper sense of our life? The major questions of mankind are closely linked to our personal life. Is our destiny pre-determined, of can we change it by changing our behavior. Can we remove the effects of old mistakes by doing good deeds? What is good or bad Karma? What is my Karma?

Ursula Demarmels explores these questions in detail and gives answers on topics such as karma formation, karma transformation, reincarnation and positive living, and shaping the future. The book gives in-depth explanations and offers unique karma coaching exercises. To illustrate the origin and effects of karma, Ursula included fascinating and touching case reports from her practice with spiritual regressions into past lives and the between live as an immortal soul. She motivates us to use our life confidentially and full of light.

Stich Bound, 240 pages, 1/2018, ISBN-10: 3793422720; Price: around € 18,50 (for orders from Germany). Recent version: 3rd edition, 2018. Also available as E-Book (around € 12,99 in Germany): Allegria EPUB ISBN-13 9783843710398 and Amazon Kindle ASIN: B00PLXQ3J8

Audio-Double-CD (in German language): Shortened edition, read by Ursula Demarmels, ISBN-10: 3899039289; Publisher: Hörbuch Hamburg, Price: around € 8,95 (Germany)

Polish edition: Karma Coaching. Przerwanie kręgu przeznaczenia.Studio Astropsychologii, Bialystok, Polen. ISBN-13: 978-8373777644 (2016). ISBN-13: 978-8373777644

Lithuanian version: Karmos ugdymas: Kaip išvengti likimo spąstų. Andrena Publishers, Vilnius, Lithuania, ISBN 978-9986-37-082-6 (2018)

Russian Edition: КАРМА КОУЧИНГ - КАК ОСВОБОДИТЬСЯ ОТ ХИТРОСПЛЕТЕНИЙ СВОЕЙ КАРМЫ, Buduschee Zemli Publishers, LTD, Moscow, Russia, ISBN 978-5-6040344-0-8 (12/2018)

Read the article by Ursula Demarmels in


 Summer 2016 Issue 46

Covers Photos of Ursula Demarmels' books in different languages:

Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? (c) Südwest Verlag, Munich, Germany
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? Polish Edition (c) Oficyna Wydawnicza ABA, Warsaw, Poland
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? Hungarian Edition (c) Almandin, Budapest, Hungary
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? Lithuanian Edition (c) Alma Littera, Vilnius, Lithuania
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? Bulgarian Edition (c) Orgon, Sofia, Bulgaria
Book Cover Spiritual Regression for Peace and Healing by Ursula Demarmels (c) Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, MN, U.S.A.
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? Russian Edition (c) Karebn Saakyan, Moscow

Cover of The German

 Hardcover Edition (SüdWest-

 Verlag, Munich; 2009)

Cover of the Polish Edition

 (Publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza ABA; Warsaw, Poland; 2008)

Cover of the Hungarian Edition (Publisher: Almandin-Verlag,

 Budapest, Hungary; 2009)

Cover of the Lithuanian Edition

 (Publisher: Alma Littera, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2010)

Cover of the Bulgarian Edition (Publisher: Orgon, Sofia,

 Bulgaria; 2010)

Cover of the 

English Edition

 (Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Woodbury, MN, U.S.A.; 2016)

Cover of the Russian Edition

 (Publisher: Karen Saakyan, Moscow, Russia; 2017)

Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Wer war ich im Vorleben? (c) Heyne Verlag, Munich, Germany
Book Cover Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Hacker & Ursula Demarmels: Die neue Dimension der Gesundheit (c) Südwest Verlag, Munich, Germany
Book Cover Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Hacker & Ursula Demarmels: Die neue Dimension der Gesundheit. Hungarian Edition (c) Almandin, Budapest, Hungary.
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Karma Coaching (c) Allegria Verlag, Germany
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Karma Coaching, Polish Edition (c) Studio Astropsychologii, Poland
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Karma Coaching, Lithuanian Edition (c) Andrena, Vilnius, Lithuania
Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Karma Coaching, Russian Edition (c) Karebn Saakyan, Moscow

Cover of the German paperback edition of 

"Wer war ich im Vorleben?" (Heyne, Munich, 6th ed., 2020)

Cover of the German original hardcover edition of "Die Neue Dimension der Gesundheit" (SüdWest, Munich; 2008)

Cover of the French paperback version of „Wer war ich im Vorleben?“ 

(Vision Print Publishing; 12/2024)

Cover of the Hungarian hardcover edition of "Die Neue Dimension der Gesundheit" (Almandin, Budapest, Hungary; 2009)

Cover of the German stich-bound edition of "Karma Coaching" (Allegria/Ullstein, Berlin; 3rd edn., 2018)

Buchcover "Karma Coaching" von Ursula Demarmels (c) Allegria/Ullstein Verlag, Berlin

Cover of the Polish edition of "Karma Coaching" (Studio Astropsychologii, Bialystok, Poland; 2016)

To be published soon:

KARMA COACHING in French Language

Cover of the Lithuanian paperback edition of "Karma Coaching" (Andrena, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2018)

Cover of the Russian edition of "Karma Coaching"

 (Karen Saakyan, Moscow, Russia; 2018

Book Cover Ursula Demarmels: Karma Coaching, Lithuanian Edition (c) Andrena, Vilnius, Lithuania

A Crime Novel by Mike POWELZ including a Foreword by Ursula Demarmels:


From the Author's Introduction: A killer who comes at night, when everyone is asleep ... A cat that smells death ... Twelve people who fear for their lives ... Welcome to House Holle - a hospice with two faces.

 Basically, a hospice is like a nice hotel - not a bit gloomy. White doctors’ coats? None. Pets? Allowed. Fixed visiting hours? No. Early check out? Also occurs ... But of course there are differences to normal hotels. Finally, the guests die in "Hotel hospice". Moreover, they are more honest than at any other place. Whether managers or homeless, or neo-Nazis, gays, posh ladies or AIDS diseased: During meals or treats, guests confess in between each other their beautiful or dirty secrets, lies and mistakes.

The crime novel "Terminal" plays in an invented Berlin hospice. The plot, all criminal offenses and all the characters are fully fictional. With nine exceptions only: My father, my mother, my sister, my nephew and I, as well as Ursula Demarmels (who wrote the German standard work of regression therapy "Who was I in past life?" (Heyne), her husband Gerhard, and an old tramp named Rudy White appear as characters in the novel. The story of the death of my father has happened in the very same way as I described it in my novel.

But this book is something special for another reason. It is based on conversations I’ve had with the terminally ill, psychologists, nurses and relatives. In fact, the novel is a secret instruction for the death - and will take the fear of death. Foolproof.

Ursula Demarmels: "This extraordinary crime novel is very exciting and also enormously instructive. It touches many taboo subjects of our society and holds up a mirror to it. The book electrifies powerfully and guides us to deeper layers or our self."

English edition of the German book Die Flockenleserin: Paperback and Kindle E-Book, Amazon Publishing

Ursula Demarmels guided DORO PESCH into a past life in Dubrovnik. The session was recorded by Germany's largest TV station, RTL Television, and broadcasted 2013 in five parts (7 Mill. viewers)

Ursula Demarmels & Doro Pesch at Gut Aiderbichl (c) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Hacker
Ursula Demarmels & Doro Pesch in London 2015 (c) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Hacker

Ursula DEMARMELS and DORO PESCH at Gut Aiderbichl (left; 2013), and in LONDON (right; 2015)

Photos © Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Hacker

CD-Cover "Under My Skin" by Doro Pesch (c) Afm Records

In June 2013, Germany's internationally most successful rock singer DORO PESCH was awarded  in London to the status of a LIVING LEGEND; she won the Golden Gods Award in the category LEGEND. In October 2013, DORO won the Metal Hammer Award in the category LEGEND in Berlin and was raised to METAL GODDESS in Las Vegas (2016). Her shows at the Wacken Festival, also with Lemmy Kilmister and many other celebrities of the rock and heavy metal scene, are legendary indeed. In 2023, she celebrated her 40-years on stage anniversary in Düsseldorf, Germany. 

Under My Skin is a Fine Selection of Doro Classics 

containing 35 Selected Songs of Doro Pesch. 

Doro's Song description to Tausend Mal gelebt contains a short text about her encounter with Ursula Demarmels

Info on further CDs, Vinyls, DVDs, BluRays, Tour data and News: DORO PESCH